All parents feel nervous about leaving their children at crèche, kinder, school for the first time. Will they be ok, will they be upset, who will they play with?
For parents of children with allergies and intolerances the nerves are multiplied exponentially. Often for the first time, someone other than yourself or a trusted family member will be looking after your child and will be responsible for managing your child’s allergies and intolerances. The mere thought of it probably sends you into a state of sheer terror and this is perfectly normal.
If have a child starting crèche, kinder or school next year, orientation programs will be commencing soon or may be underway already. This is a great time to ensure your child’s allergy and intolerance management plan is in place ready for them to start next year. For those with children already at crèche, kinder or school it is also a great time to work with their carers/teachers for next year to ensure they are familiar with all the requirements for your child relating to their allergies and intolerances.
My son started kinder this year with an asthma and allergies management plan having to be put in place, and I have witnessed my sister dealing with her children with allergies starting crèche, kinder and school. This first hand experience in addition to being on the other side of the fence serving on a kinder committee and reviewing policies, gives me insights about what questions you should be asking. With this blog post, I have attached a free download of common questions you should ask your facility or school so that you can arm yourself with the knowledge of how your child’s allergies and intolerances will be managed. This will help alleviate some of the fear as you will know that the care facility manages allergies and intolerances well or if they don’t you can seek an alternative or work with them to set up the right processes to ensure your child is in a safe environment.
It is your right to ask questions to satisfy yourself that your child will be in a safe environment. Never feel embarrassed or like an annoyance for taking care of your child. Never allow a facility to treat you like your being difficult. As my daughter says, my favourite part of school is learning. I think loving learning in a safe environment is all any of us can want for our children.
Best wishes for an awesome year of learning ahead everyone!
Loni xx
FREE download: Common questions to ask your crèche/kinder/school regarding allergy and intolerance management